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Industries Served 

Proudly serving the industrial community since 1978

Ellery Manufacturing produces large parts and critical components for major industrial customers and leading engineering firms. Our parts are used across several industries that include Oil & Gas, Mining, Forestry, LNG, Hydro, Renewable Energy, Pharmaceuticals, Marine, Government, Construction & Major Amusement Attractions. 


Our company is proud to have its work used in projects located throughout North America and around the world. This includes major amusement park attractions located in the United States, China, Middle East & Europe as well as mechanical equipment installed in telescopes located in Hawaii and Chile.

Closer to home, our work has been part of projects for the Oil & Gas industry in Western Canada, Off-Shore Exploration off the coast of Newfoundland, the Lions Gate Bridge retrofit in Vancouver and the Alex Fraser Bridge construction project located in Delta, British Columbia.

Ellery maufacturng Industries Served incuded Renewable Energy. Image of windmills.
Ellery Manufaturing Industries Served includes Oil and Gas. Image of Off Shore Oil Rig.
Ellery Manufacturing Industries Served includes Mining. Image of Mining Equipment.
Ellery Manufacturing Industries Served includes Consruction. Image of Vancouver's Lions Gate Bridge.
Ellery manufacturing Industries served includes Special Projects. Image of Telescope in Hawaii.
ElleryManufaturng Industries Served includes the Military. Image of Jet Fighter.
Ellery Maufacturing Industries Served includes the Amusement Industry. Image of Roller Coaster.

Ellery Manufacturing Ltd.

Surrey, British Columbia  Canada

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